The Helpers, Part 2: You Are Not Alone

By Lydia Carmany

Source: Tracy Foster for Stark County Helping Our Community (Facebook Group)

Amidst the deluge of news about closings, layoffs, and economic hardships, we are so proud that the residents of Stark County continue to take care of one another. From providing food and other basic necessities to students and families stuck at home due to school and workplace shutdowns, to small businesses looking out for their employees and local nonprofits, we have done a fabulous job of maintaining as much normalcy as possible during this unprecedented event. Many restaurants are offering carryout meals, allowing you to continue supporting local business while keeping a safe social distance. My brother Tim of The Hub Art Factory in Downtown Canton has been joining virtual open studio sessions with local artists, and some bored loving individuals have taken their downtime as an opportunity to clean up litter in public parks.

If you, like me, are lucky enough to live with or near family or have someone with whom you can check in during this time, please use this opportunity to treasure the time spent (even virtually) with those loved ones. If you don’t have anyone with whom you can connect, please let us know by emailing your contact information to, and we will do our best to make sure someone gets in touch with you! This community is full of generous hearts and decent folks, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any needs you have right now. Isolation can be lonely, but please know that you’re not alone in this.

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