By Connie Carmany

    Easter was different this year. For the first time in my life, I was not in a church on Easter Sunday! That could have been a downer for me, but thanks to the ingenuity and efforts of Revs. JR and Amy Rozko, co-pastors of the First Church of the Resurrection in downtown Canton, my family and many others were able to do something new and quite memorable on Easter morning! The pastors, along with other local pastors and groups, organized the first “Easter in the Streets” sunrise service! We all gathered in our cars with signs and decorations at the J.C. Penney parking lot and were led by police escorts through Canton’s streets past schools, churches, homeless shelter, Hall of Fame, nursing homes, residences and businesses, praying for the people and playing uplifting Easter music as we drove along.

     The most touching moment for me came as we pulled into Malone University’s parking lot at the end of our 2-hour caravan and saw all of the residents of the Canton Christian Home who were standing at their windows smiling and waving to us. What could have been a dismal Easter turned into a joy-filled and uniquely memorable day! Here’s a big virtual hug and kudos to Revs. J.R. and Amy Rozko, Jamie Szittai White, and Chad Minor, the organizers of “Easter in the Streets”!

Cars lined up waiting to caravan through Canton spreading Good News
Our official Canton police escort
One of the festive signs at Easter in the Streets

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