
What is Everything Good About Canton?

It’s a blog;

it’s a website;

it’s an organized way to share what’s good about Canton;

it’s possibly the start of the most inclusive movement ever in the Canton area because absolutely  everyone can be part of “everything good about Canton”.

I sometimes describe Canton as “a big small town” because people are friendly, know each other, and work together to make things happen. It has a long and colorful history in which its residents can take pride. It has undergone a lot of change in recent decades.  Canton is in the midst of redefining itself. There are a lot of people and organizations dedicated to improving and moving Canton and Stark County boldly forward into the future.  And yet, there is a lot about Canton that its residents and visitors don’t know.  Canton is full of great people with amazing stories to tell.

Our purpose in starting this website and blog is to let you know the stories, past and present, that give Canton its uniquely beautiful personality.  Canton is a place where you can feel at home, realize your potential, be an important part of making a positive contribution to the community, establish connections with others that last a lifetime. Canton’s attraction is not so much its geography or size, but its people.  And we would like to share their stories with you.

Enjoy reading (and participating in) Everything Good About Canton!

“Whatever is true; whatever is noble; whatever is right; whatever is pure; whatever is lovely; whatever is admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.”

The Apostle Paul