Everything Good About Canton

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Calling Stark County to Prayer – May 6, 2021

Prayer is an important part of “everything good” about Canton and Stark County! There are more people than we know praying for our community! Thank you to all of them! Keep it up! We are passing along information we received from the National Day of Prayer Stark County planning committee this year. See this as…

The Sun is Rising Over Canton

by Connie Carmany 4/27/21 Tuesday morning at 6:15 a.m. with the looming edifice of the McKinley Monument barely visible in the lingering darkness, I trudged up the 96 steps to the platform on top, where a couple of dozen individuals, about half of them black and half of them white, were patiently awaiting. How strange,…

First Friday

First Friday and “Illuminate Canton” were spectacular on January 1st, 2021! Check out Downtown Canton!