by Connie Carmany

          Today is Arbor Day. It is a day when people are encouraged to plant trees. Wednesday was Earth Day, a day to remember to take good care of the earth. These days, I am proud to be an Ohioan and a Cantonian. Today, Gov. DeWine mentioned that trees are “critical to environmental health and beneficial to our physical and mental health as well.” He mentioned that “Ohioans lead the nation in having 242 cities, villages and townships that participate in the Arbor Day Foundation’s ‘Tree City USA’ program which recognizes cities practicing and investing in sound urban forestry.”  He also said, “Planting trees, to me, symbolizes a faith in the future and optimism.”

Here in the Stark Parks, they are working hard to spruce up the parks and creeks and lakes so they will look beautiful this spring and summer. It is making a huge difference. If you are out in the parks, please help to keep them beautiful.

     We are all going through a rough time together. I have a challenge for Cantonians. During this time, let’s celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day and springtime by bringing new life to Canton and making it the most beautiful it’s ever been. Let’s plant trees and flowers and clean up trash and decorate our yards, houses, sidewalks. Then send us your pictures!

Here’s to faith in our future!

Stadium Park Bridge
Stadium Park trees in bloom
Daffodils in bloom at Stadium Park

Photos by Lydia Carmany